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The album "Patterns on the Stones" was written under the conditions of the reflection of the present time. It is a consequence of the passage of time, through which one can touch the eternal.
The requirement of the New Age is the synthesis of science, philosophy, knowledge about finer matter and ether. Referring to the world of stone as the first kingdom of nature - the world of minerals, the author of "Patterns on the Stones" draws parallels with today. The patterns on the stones are a consequence of the passage of time, with the help of which you can touch the eternal.


塔拉斯·库琴科表示,新时代需要的是科学、哲学和精密科学知识的综合,它将促进人民团结以及世界和平。 我们必须认识世界,并争取和平共存。 至于说到作为自然界第一王国 (即矿物世界)的石头世界,塔拉斯·库琴科提出了其与当今社会的相似之处。 石头上的花纹是时间流动的痕迹,通过它我们可以触摸到永恒。
The album was created in a scenic area of China, the city of Zhangjiajie, over a period of time: from mid-2019 to July 2020, when the world was hit by tragedy. Of course, this was reflected in the drama of the entire album.


"Happy Life in Zhangjiajie" 张家界的幸福生活
The first track "Happy life in Zhangjiajie" tells about the calm passage of time in labor and joys of life in one of the picturesque mountainous places of the Avatar archipelago.


第一首《张家界的幸福生活》讲述了在景区 "阿凡达群岛"里,在劳作与生活的乐趣中时间静静流逝。 张家界市拥有奇妙的自然风光,壮丽的山峦,其最甚当属那雄伟的天门山。 土家人就生活在这里,他们以独特的唱腔和用果树叶吹奏模仿鸟儿的歌唱而闻名。

Happy Life in Zhangjiajie
Zhangjiajie city has a wonderful nature with magnificent mountain ranges, the crown of which is the majestic Tianmen Mountain. It is here that the Tujia people live, which are famous for their chants and playing on the hard leaves of fruit trees, imitating the singing of birds.


张家界市自然风光秀丽,山脉宏伟,山顶是雄伟的天门山。 土家族居住在这里,以吟唱和在果树的硬叶上玩耍而闻名,模仿鸟的歌唱而闻名。
Happy Life in Zhangjiajie
To be free is when you do so that nothing would irritate you.
Once upon a time, the beautiful Princess Tujia lived here. Her heart was broken after her lover left her in search of a magical tea that brings spiritual and physical healing powers to all who ask for help.


很久以前,美丽的土家族公主就住在这里。 在情人离开她寻找神奇的茶之后,她的心碎了。这种茶可以为所有寻求帮助的人带来精神和身体的治疗能力。
Princess Tujia 土家公主
Go where there is no sand.
Find the one who will collect
Healing tea growing in the rocks.


Princess Tujia
Song without Words. Trumpet solo.
At the beginning of the twelve-year cycle, the Tujia people suffer an unheard-of epidemic.
This was the "Starting Point" of the misery.


Starting Point
The music clip "Starting point" is part of the author's album of the musician and director Taras Kutsenko "Patterns on Stones".
Clip tells how the coronavirus epidemic began in 2020. It was a sudden blow to all of humanity. It was like thunder and lightning in clear weather. At first, it was difficult to believe in the possibility of such a tragedy. But thanks to the efforts of doctors and rescuers, the epidemic was brought under control.
How long is stability possible?
After that, the world became different and we will learn this lesson for many years to come.
The music clip uses documentary audio and video materials of the events of that time in China.
Starting Point 起点
The track "Starting point" tells how it all began. How people did not believe in alarming reports from the authorities during the New Year holidays. And how the Chinese people rose to fight the epidemic.


曲目"起点"说明了一切的开始。 人们如何不相信新年假期期间当局发出的令人震惊的报告。 以及中国人民如何抗击这一流行病。
Starting point
The beginning of the epidemic.
Ah, how quickly this black epidemic spread, the Princess exclaimed, and her cry froze in time.


About the film
film a Taras Kutsenko
Freeze 冻结
This track became the basis for the short film "Freeze", which received acclaim at international short film festivals.


Everything froze around.
Now is the time to pray. The time has come to realize your existence and turn to the higher worlds for help and repentance. "Prayer" is about the living and the dead.


现在是时候祈祷了。 现在是时候意识到你的存在,并向更高的世界寻求帮助。 "祈祷"是关于生与死的。
Prayer / 祈祷
Ethnic instruments sound in this tracks. Chinese pumpkin flute Hulus Bilandao :葫芦丝, and pottery flute Xun :埙. At the beginning of the track, a wonderful plucked instrument of the lamellaphone or idiophone class Kalimba is played.


民族乐器在这首歌中听起来。 中国葫芦丝和埙。 在曲目的开头,将演奏弹奏或惯用类卡林巴的美妙弹拨乐器。
Prayer times
Now is the time to pray. The time has come to realize your existence and turn to the higher worlds for help and repentance. "Prayer" is about the living and the dead.


现在是时候祈祷了。 现在是时候意识到你的存在,并向更高的世界寻求帮助。 "祈祷"是关于生与死的。
Magic tea / 魔法茶
While working on the album, the group of creators traveled to a remote village where Tujia people live. Here they were met by the elders, guardians of the folklore traditions of the Tujia people. One old man said that he had recently lost a loved one and that his soul was in pain. But I am still very glad to see dear guests. That's what he sings about.
And another old man showed us how he plays on an ordinary leaf of a fruit tree. His song is an imitation of local birds.


在制作专辑时,一群创作者前往土家族居住的偏远村庄。 在这里,土家族人民的长老,土家族传统的守护者与他们会面。 一位老人说,他最近失去了一位亲人,他的灵魂处于痛苦中。 但是我仍然很高兴见到亲爱的客人。 那就是他在唱歌。
另一个老人向我们展示了他如何在果树的普通叶子上玩耍。 他的歌是当地鸟类的模仿。
Magic tea
Rice, ginger, honey from wild bees.
Take the magic tea, go to those who have forgotten why they are here, because of this they are unhappy.
Go! And fill the world with happiness and love!


走! 用幸福和爱充满世界!
All be Fine / 一切都会好起来
Long, long ago, the beautiful Tujia princess lived here. The princess's lover had to leave her heartbroken in search of the magical tea, but at the same time tea can bring spiritual and physical healing power to all those who seek help. So the princess decided to follow her lover and went to this place where magical tea was grown.
The ending was beautiful: she found her lover, returned to the people with him, and healed everyone.



All be fine
The ending was beautiful: she found her lover, returned to the people with him, and healed everyone.
Creation team.
  • Sasha Gusev
    Sound design
  • Kostyantin Slobodenuk
    Flute ZPO orchestra
    "Happy life in Zhangjiajie", "Prayer", "All be Fine"
  • Anastasiia Drobyshevska
    Violin ZPO orchestra
    "Magic tea", "All be Fine"
  • Ihor Solodovnyk
    Viola ZPO orchestra
    "Magic tea", "All be Fine"
  • Oksana Tolmachova
    Cello ZPO orchestra
    "Magic tea", "All be Fine"
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