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Single by Taras Kutsenko & Luo Le


Song by Taras Kustenko
《Believe /  相信 》

official version
During the epidemic, the musicians of the Zhangjiajie Philharmonic Orchestra helped the Chinese people overcome difficulties. We participated in volunteer activities: temperature measurement near shops and pharmacies; assisting in the distribution of water, masks and food; encouraging everyone's spirit of victory.
Seeing this situation, conductor and composer Taras Kutsenko and singer Luo Le jointly created a musical work "Believe", which was performed in Chinese by four musicians of
the Zhangjiajie Philharmonic Orchestra.
For many citizens of Zhangjiajie, this song has also become a symbol of victory in the fight against the epidemic.
Today we will present you the original version of this song, sung by Kutsenko Taras and Luo Le,
and is equipped with a KTV version, sing with us!


疫情期间,张家界爱乐乐团的音乐家们帮助中国人民克服困难。 我们参加了志愿者行动:在商店和药店附近测量温度;协助分发水、口罩和食物;鼓励大家的胜利精神。
We believe that after the long days of winter, flowers will sprout on the earth!


Believe《 相信 》
The musicians of the Zhangjiajie Philharmonic Orchestra took part in the recording of the single.


Believe 《 相信 》
Single by Taras Kutsenko & Luo Le 库琴科·塔拉斯、和罗乐的单曲
First paragraph:

The landscape in China makes my eyes beautiful,
It is full of moving scenery;
The culture here nourishes my soul,
A great voice through long history;
The people here touch my heart,
Perseverance and sincerity are written on kind faces;
So we believe we can overcome the epidemic.

Because we have been,
Holding hands on our hearts;
This is a beautiful country.
It has a magnificent and splendid culture.

Second paragraph:
There's no afraid of any difficulties and pressures.
More challenges will only make us stronger.
The most beautiful songs are dedicated to retrograde crowds,
You fill your sacred heart with great love;
The most beautiful verse is dedicated to busy figures,
You guard the peace of all families by fighting;
The most beautiful blessings to the great people.
So we believe we can overcome the epidemic,

Because we have been,
Holding hands on our hearts;
We believe that after the long days of winter,
Flowers will sprout on the earth.

善良 脸庞 上 写满 了 执着 与 真诚 ;
定 战胜 疫情 ,因为 我们 就 ;

的 国家 ,
有着 恢宏 的 文化 ,
任何 重压 ,
只会 让 她 挺拔,

最美 的 歌曲 献给 逆行 的 人群,
你们 用 大 爱 践行 着 神圣 的 初 心;
最美 的 诗句 献给 忙碌 的 身影,
你们 用 家 的 安宁;
最美 的大 的 安宁;人民,
你们 用 坚守 演绎 着 的 坚定;
所以 我们 相信 定 能 战胜 疫情,
因为 我们 一直 手拉手 心连心; 这

是 一个 美丽 的 国家,
她 有着 恢宏 文化,
疫情 来 怕,
因为 我 相信 冬天 过后 就是 繁花.
所以 我们 相信 定 能 战胜 疫情,
因为 我们 一直 就 手拉手 心连心;

这 是 一个 美丽 的 国家,
她 有着 恢宏 灿烂 的 文化 ,
疫情 来 了 咱们 不用 怕 ,
因为 我 相信 冬天 过后 就是 繁花。
The musicians of the Zhangjiajie Philharmonic Orchestra took part in the recording of the cover version of the single. This version of the song was seen by viewers in China. The number of views on the channels is spread by over a million users.


张家界爱乐乐团的音乐家参加了单曲封面的录制。 这首歌的版本在中国的观众中看到过。 频道的观看次数分布在超过一百万的用户中。
Vasyl Lotut, Taras Kutsenko, Kateryna Kochergina, Kostiantyn Slobodenuk
Creation team.
  • Taras Kutsenko
  • Luo Le
    Singer and Composer
  • Anastasiia Drobyshevska
    Violin ZPO orchestra
  • Kateryna Kochergina
  • Kostyantin Slobodenuk
  • Vasyl Lotut
  • Jane Debin
    Zhangjiajie University
  • Luo Yong
    Executive producer
    Zhangjiajie University
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