Very often we witness careless behavior in society. This is due to a lack of education. As a foreigner, I see great steps taken by the Chinese government, headed by President Xi Jinping, to educate the Chinese people morally. Chairman Xi's theses are a great testimony. The Chinese government draws attention to important components in the development of China's aesthetic education such as
- "Take as much food as you can eat," drawing our attention to saving during meals. After all, it is so simple to take as much food as you can eat and not overeat. In this way, everyone cultivates a culture of eating in harmony with the body. During the epidemic situation, state authorities began to promote moral behavior in public places: to wear protective masks, not to cough loudly in public places and to cover the mouth so as not to cause discomfort to the people around. All this is very right and necessary for the formation of an ideal environment of coexistence in our society.
It is not unimportant to pay attention to a person's spirituality. Modern society has a unique opportunity to develop with the help of new technologies and the Internet, but often a person admits the vice of laziness in his life and thinks that his real rest is endless contemplation of social networks, which contain micro films with non-aesthetic content. But in fact at this point the brain activity stagnates and the person becomes even more lazy and inactive. After such viewings, it is difficult for a person to regain brain activity and so every day until development stops completely. Scientists in the field of aesthetic education have long said that access to social media should be dosed. And the best part is a person's self-control over the need to look at information with questionable content. Strange as it may seem, statistics show that the best way on the road to morality and aesthetics is to keep a person busy with sports during his periods of rest from brain activity. After all, when a person is moving, his body begins to demand proper nutrition, healthy and timely sleep, a balanced intake of water and food in the daily norm, and so on. This will lead a person to the right way of life, ecology of thought and spiritual growth.
Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a creative person capable of perceiving, feeling, appreciating the beautiful and creating artistic values. Beauty is a means of educating a sensitive conscience, which is why it is so important for people of all ages, and especially for students, to communicate with art. Painting, music, literature, and architecture are powerful means of aesthetic education.
The teacher is the flagship of the educational process in an educational institution. It is he who instills in students the essentials of their future profession. A teacher cannot talk about morality in the classroom, but go outside and forget everything and, for example, spit on the ground, throw trash in the wrong places, cross the street at a red traffic light or not give way to pedestrians, eat food making loud and unpleasant sounds, or eat food at all during exams. It is usually outside of the classroom that students perceive negative behavior and think they should. So we reap the benefits of immorality, boorishness and cynicism.
It is very important to maintain discipline and to treat everyone with respect, without exception. Imagine that our school is a huge family. In a good family there is no place for rudeness and lack of respect for each other, especially for older people. After all, the older generation is teachers to the younger generation. In decent educational institutions it is customary to say hello when meeting a teacher, even if you do not know each other and even if the teacher no longer teaches your course. The student must cultivate a sense of respect for the teacher, because in the near future he may become a teacher, and then he will understand how unpleasant it is when a student forgets his teachers and breaks the connection with him.
The main problem of modern education is the predominance of conflict type young people who do not want to cooperate with adults. The reason for this behavior should be sought primarily in the family. Aesthetic education of the individual begins with the birth of man. Of course, one should not write off the influence of the environment and the media, which give people the impression that their pleasure is above all, that they can transcend much to achieve what they want. The job of our college professor is to give the student the basics of human relationships so that he or she can sort the information and the ideals he or she is offered into true and false ones. Sometimes a teacher simply has no time to talk to a student, justifying it with busyness and a multitude of responsibilities during the educational process. But we must not forget that the main task of a teacher is the aesthetic, spiritual and moral education of a student.
Educational institutions are the main social institutions that provide the educational process and the real integration of the various subjects of education. In our case, the subjects of education are understood as students. In many respects it depends on the teacher to develop students' emotional experiences, aesthetic appreciation of images of nature, stimulation of creative actions in the conditions of educational work. Creativity enriches the emotional life of a person. The secret of creativity is in a special spiritual state. A person must do the inner work in order to rise to the level of creativity. The ability to create largely depends on the environment, the environment in which a person lives and grows up. Most researchers agree that creativity is available to everyone. The process of creativity is incompatible with violent methods of influence. The teacher needs to liberate the students emotionally, only then they will form an attitude towards creativity. It is important to create an atmosphere of freedom. The feeling of freedom should be already in the environment.
Fortunately in our college, creativity is an active element of life. The management of Zhangjiajie College has made an effort to cultivate a harmonious and well-rounded personality through the participation of various kinds of art in the educational process. The Zhangjiajie College is a place where the creativity of our students is nurtured. The Zhangjiajie College educators should strive to implement the principle of unity between education and upbringing in the curricula of the aesthetic cycle. The students should be exposed to art not only to the basics of art knowledge and cultivate a basic appreciation of art, but also to the beauty of life. It is necessary to develop aesthetic taste and the need to communicate with art, to form a spiritually full and morally developed personality. That is why aesthetic education in college should be carried out through a system of both curricular and extracurricular activities. The subjects of the aesthetic cycle such as culturology and literature are initially focused on developing ideas about the beauty of words, form, and sound. They create favorable conditions for the disclosure of creative abilities, individual talent and creative amateurism of students. In the classes of cultural studies students make extramural excursions to the museum of Zhangjiajie and of course to the picturesque places of the wonderful mountains of Zhangjiajie. It is also important to introduce students to the world's art treasures by taking online excursions to the best museums in the world. All this is very important for the formation of the aesthetic taste of Zhangjiajie College students.
The formation of aesthetic culture of students through the subjects is carried out systematically and methodically. In almost every topic of any academic subject, the teacher must find a niche that can be filled with information about the beautiful from music, painting, and literature. Emotional education received in youth through great art, through its highest examples, is of great importance for the spiritual and moral development of the individual.
Today, teachers at Zhangjiajie College should pay even more attention to such aspects as:
- The formation of personal aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic behavior, artistic views and beliefs;
- the pursuit of creativity, the need for creative activity and the development of aesthetic taste;
- ability for aesthetic perception and experience, striving to be beautiful in everything: thoughts, deeds, actions, appearance;
- comprehension of aesthetic values of national-cultural heritage;
- formation of a system of aesthetic perceptions, judgments, aesthetic ideal, education of aesthetic culture, feelings and attitudes, inclusion in aesthetic creative activities.
In order to put these tasks into practice, Zhangjiajie College teachers need to organize and conduct activities such as:
- student activities of the aesthetic cycle;
- Academic conferences;
- presentations on great artists and cultural figures;
- nature hikes;
- competitions of poetry, music, commercials, photographs, short films;
- organization of artistic and creative competitions on topical issues of our time.
Such activities can be carried out by college teachers as part of the dual education of students. The impact of these means on students will not only expand their mental horizons, but also self-realization of creative abilities, familiarization with creativity and strengthening the aesthetic culture of the individual.
Educating a person is a very serious matter. Students must be not only professionals, but also sensual people. The task of the teacher is to form in students a serious attitude toward morality in life, aesthetic taste. It is necessary to help students think about the purpose of man, about the sense of beauty, in order to accept and feel another person closer. Overcoming immorality in education is possible only through the education of personality. In addition, it is necessary to educate students politically as well. This means that it is necessary to give the new generation the understanding that whatever social status a person has, he must strive, by virtue of his professional, spiritual, and moral qualities, to act morally, ethically, and responsibly. The subject-oriented approach in specialist training will ensure the most effective development of a future specialist on the basis of professional roles and functions formed in the process of training. This largely depends on what students do (i.e., the content of education) and how they perform the proposed activity.
Aesthetic education plays a major role in the education of a highly educated, cultural and moral person, provides a comprehensive approach to personal development, and it manifests itself in its attitude toward people, labor, art and life in general. It follows that aesthetic education, is the guiding star in the educational space of the institution, reveals the creative potential of modern youth, expands the horizons of knowledge of world culture, reflects the fact of intense, multi-dimensional aspiration of man to the absolute harmony.